Activewear & Coffee Shops

Well, its that time of year again when we do our best to get into shape and find that beach body which we worked so hard to attain last year, that has become a shadow of itself and has forfeited any chance of a quick return. We say hell no! … we are looking forward to 2021 and a new and improved self, happy in life, and in our own skin know at least we can look and feel half decent in anything black.

What is Activewear for Women?

For those of earlier generations activewear consisted of a pair of grey cloth sweatpants and a loose-fitting t-shirt. It’s actually quite comfortable for lounging around the house on a Sunday or going outside to bring in the trash cans. But for the serious gym-goer it didn’t have the ability to fit your form or deal with those crunches, squats, and hot yoga classes.

The new generation which is the current line of activewear is leaps and bounds above those Sunday couch potato outfits. From the colors, styles, materials, and fit, this clothing, just by wearing it, will put you in the mood to get off your butt and jump on the treadmill or that ubiquitous Lycra product which is advertised day and night, but I digress.

Activewear has become a fashion category in its own right and seems to be the most popular for Coffee-shop customers Australia-wide as well as those serious about getting into shape. But we are not here to give you fashion tips or tell you when and where you should wear your activewear. What we want to do is provide you with the facts of this huge and growing market as well as provide unbiased insight for those who are always looking for the new best thing.

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